TheRLP Project LGBTQ Youth Event

This event will allow us to merge our mission of the RLP PROJECT with other nonprofit organizations that share narratives to build long-term relationships in our communities that will bring a permanent change.

Our first RLP PROJECT EVENT will be A LGBTQ Youth Event because of what young Tyler experienced this past summer. We will provide education and awareness.

We also believe that living well is just not about physical health but mental health, sexual health, and financial health so, we will provide workshops on these topics.


What’s Really Going On? (A Mental Health Empowerment Session).

Sexual Health (An engaging conversation around safer sex practices).

Money Talks (A discussion about managing finances).


Red Carpet.

Live Entertainment.

360 Booth.

Art & Paint Class.

Special Appearances.

A Giveaway At The End Of The Event.

Nonprofit Organizations In Collaboration For This Event:

The Health Interests Rights & Needs Program Inc.

Empowering Brothers, Inc.

The Yuseef Foundation.


  • Date:Sunday, November 28, 2021
  • Time:1:30pm - 4:00pm ET
  • Category:
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