Stoned to the Wall

Triangle Rainbow Theater Productions presents ‘STONED TO THE WALL’ written by Anthony Fusco and directed by Jesse Marsh. An LGBTQ drama about a troubled young gay couple Corey & Bryan that are trying to fix their broken relationship after an incident that takes place at the Stonewall bar in NYC. Can Bryan forgive Corey for his past mistakes, and will Corey be able to move forward after he finds out some new information that Bryan has kept from him. They must decide if their reconnection will rekindle the feelings they once had.

Production contains partial nudity.

All actors are vaccinated! All audience members should be vaccinated and able to show proof of vaccination at the door. You can show the white vaccination card or your excelsior pass on your phone.


  • Date:Friday, September 17, 2021
  • Time:2:00pm - 3:30pm ET
  • Category:
  • Tickets

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