Please Give a F$%k!

Peer Pressure Comedy brings a fire lineup of A-list comedians together to raise funds for local NYC charities.

About this event
Please Give A F$%k! is a monthly comedy show in Brooklyn produced by Peer Pressure Comedy that brings stand-up comedy and good causes together.

Join Meg Felling and John Fox for a lineup of A-list comedians who give a f$%k about local NYC charities.

This month we will be raising funds for THE ALI FORNEY CENTER

You can see us this month at CRYSTAL LAKE BROOKLYN

The show is FREE *there is a suggested donation* but seating is limited so order a ticket NOW while you still can!

This show’s lineup features:

Gus Constantellis (Tik-Tok sensation and everyone’s favorite Greek mom)

Dylan Adler (Young Douglas Comedy, Rape Victims are Horny Too)

Dan Frank (Comedians Under The Stairs)

Chris Shurr (Who Hurt You?)

Meghan O’Malley (Barely Making It Comedy)

Eric Frost (Comedy In Astoria)

Emily Gallagher (Please Don’t Hang Up, UCB, Neighborhood Playhouse)

Brian Rabadeau (A Peer Pressure Favorite)

HOSTED BY: Meg Felling and John Fox

Follow us!!!! @peerpressurecomedy

Learn more about the amazing work The Ali Forney Center does here:



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