Deviant “BEACH”

Deviant comes to NYC for a circuit party, BOAT PARTY celebration on Saturday, July 31st.

About this event

Deviant comes to NYC for a circuit party, BOAT PARTY celebration on Saturday, July 31st. Masks (face coverings) are required, for this circuit-party experience!

Circuit attire (or shirtless) is required! Don’t kill the vibes-

Come in your favorite SEXY carnival gear or simple swimwear: Dressing the part is half the fun, and kind of the whole point: #SexPositive #BodyPositive #QueerAF

Deviant is a circuit party experience, curated for and by Queer POC, and those allies who celebrate US. Beats are delivered by DJ SMOOVE.

Folks are expected to dance, drink and mingle- There’s no holding the wall here! Come and get into the circuit party culture in your sexy Leather & Lace!

VIP includes PLAY ZONE access, rooftop bar and clothes check.

General Admission does not include PLAY ZONE access, exclusive bar, added bathrooms, clothes check.

All ticket sales are non-refundable and non-transferrable.

In practice of CDC recommendations, to avoid Covid19: Face-coverings are required, especially for the health and safety of staff, when approaching entry and bars. Masks, temperature checks and hand sanitizer will be readily available at the entry.

Due to COVID19: Anyone who has a fever will not be permitted to attend. We will be checking temperatures at the door and providing masks for patrons, who do not wear them upon entry. For the health and safety of staff, masks are required for entry into the event and when approaching the bar. We also advise that everyone socially distance (6ft apart) inside of the party. Tickets sales will be limited to ensure space for social distancing.

Notice: You agree to not attend this event if you have tested positive for Covid-19 or any of its variations. You agree not to attend this event if you feel sick, have a fever or have any compromised health that may be contagious to other patrons.

Release: You agree not to sue or hold Deviant LLC liable in the case that you get injured or ill from your attendance at this any other Deviant Events.



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