Brut Party

Ah Hoy Matey! Brüt on a boat part 2: THE PILLAGER! What better way to end the summer than to embark on the high seas with a boat full of leathermen? What sights we have to show you as we pillage these shore and waters with some serious firepower provided by our ship’s captain Dan Darlington. Headlining this mean cruise is the dread pirate ABEL, along with his arsenal of house music weaponry. The delight of all the young and old who still can clack a fan! We will not go home empty handed, demanding booty at every port. The PILLAGER is coming! Guard your loins…….




Dan Darlington


To ensure attendee, staff, and community safety, the following requirements are in place:


– Proof of full COVID vaccination required.


  • Date:Saturday, September 18, 2021
  • Time:7:00pm - 11:00pm ET
  • Category:
  • Tickets

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