8th Annual Rocky Horror Picture Show Live Karaoke Halloween Extravaganza

Live karaoke performance of the music from Rocky Horror Picture Show with an opening set of Halloween-themed rock and roll live karaoke
littlefield is an all-vaccinated event space. Please note that all patrons attending in-person shows must show proof of vaccination. Seating for this show is on a first come, first served basis. More info can be found on littlefield’s homepage.


Happy Rocky Halloween! After a brief hiccup (aka, a global pandemic), The Occasionalists are back in their collective garters and glossy red lipstick to bring you The 8th Annual Rocky Horror Picture Show Live Karaoke Halloween Extravaganza. For this year’s show, the band (with some special guests) will be playing the complete RHPS soundtrack and you, the audience, can sign up to sing the songs with the band and other audience members.

The band will also warm things up with a short set of Halloween-themed rock and roll karaoke to set the mood. If that wasn’t enough, after The Occasionalists performance, Littlefield is pleased to present a screening of The Rocky Horror Picture Show at 9:45pm.

If you are interested in singing, sign-up will take place starting when the doors open at 7 pm. Come early for the best chance to sign up for your favorite Rocky song. Don’t Dream It, Sing It!

Our proceeds will benefit Planned Parenthood of Texas.

Limited seating. Your ticket does not guarantee a seat.

Tickets are $12 in advance and $15 on the day of the show.


  • Date:Sunday, October 31, 2021
  • Time:7:00pm - 10:30pm ET
  • Category:
  • Tickets

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